Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Word collocation

) an instrument _panel_______
a panel of experts
a control panel
a wooden panel

b) a secret ballot
a secret agent
keep it a secret
meet in secret
the secret of success

c) take stock of the situation
it's out of stock
the stock exchange
the stock market

d) a time sheet
a time zone
only time will tell
long time no see
for the time being

e) a child minder
child abuse
child care facilities
a child prodigy
behaving like a child

Phrasal verbs

1. Guess who I ran into at the club!
2.She's always running down her husband.
3.I need to go to the market.I've run up of oil,meat and rice.

Put in a suitable preposition in each space.

1. Hundreds of people turned up in the rain to see the celebrity.
2.Most of my time is taken up with answering the phone.
3.Don't be put upon by the price,a cool $ 20,000.
4.Something funny is going to.
5.I think she made up the whole story!
6.Not many people turned up for the last lecture.
7.Don't worry,you can count on me.

follow-up for the previous reading text

1. Circle the thesis statement. How does Golding classify people?
Golding divides people into three categories: grade-three thinkers, grade-two thinkers, and grade-one thinkers.

2. Underline the topic sentence of each body paragraph.
According to Golding, 90 percent of the population represents the largest category, called grade-three thinkers.

These grade-two thinkers, who make up 9 percent of the population, see corruption in the world

The remaining 1 percent of the population are what Golding calls grade-one thinkers.

3. How does the author describe 90 percents of the population? The remaining 9 percent? The final 1 percent?
90 percent refer to the people who are docile,whose follow orders and they obey other people's wishes. the remaining 9 percent represent to dictator who see the corruption of the world and the final one refer to the population who are what Golding calls grade-one thinkers. They not only see corruption, but they also know how to seek truth

4. Underline the examples used in the third body paragraph to describe "Grade-one thinkers."
Mozart, Michelangelo, and Einstein

5. What is the writer's opinion of Golding's essay? In which paragraph do you find this opinion?
the last paragraph.
Golding may prefer to believe that intelligence prevents people in the top tenth percentile of the population from following political dictators, but the number of doctors, teachers, lawyers, and writers in many countries who were willing supporters of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao shows that this belief is incorrect.

6. What support (facts, examples) are used in the conclusion to argue the writer's point of view?
Sometimes the common sense and compassion of the ordinary man is all that stands between civilization and barbarism.

Create your own slogan/tag line for the advertisement

Watch your step before you act
1. What do the magic numbers of 18, 21, 35 and 65 represent in American civic life?
It is symbolised that they can vote(and get drafted)at age 18,they can drink at 21,they can become president at 35 and they can retire at 65.
2. Why do some people work past 65?
Health care costs are rising,and Social Security payments-at an average of about $1,000 a month-don't cover what they used to

3. What does the phrase " bursting with ideas"when he comes to work at the age of 86 implies about Mr. Harold Burson?
But the bigger trend in Senior Work is the fact that Americans love -and now that we're living longer,we want to work longer too.We just can't get enough.My friend and mentor Harold Burson,the co-founder of the global PR firm Burson Marsteller,where I am CEO,just turned 86,and comes to work every day,bursting with ideas.

4. Give examples to show that American employees are workaholics by choice?
On average,Americans work over 1,800 hours per year,substantially more than most workers around the world.Although we get fewer vacation days per year than other Western countries(13 days,compared to 28 in the UK,and 37 in France),we let more than twice as many go unused.And really,what's a vacation to us these days without our BlackBerry?In 2006,almost a quarter of us (23%) checked our work e-mail and voice mail while away-up from just 16% in 2005.A lot of us love to work.

5.What is the tone of the writer when he mentions that "not working for a day is right up there with not murdering,not committing adultery and not stealing"?
6. What example is given to show that the grandparents of the present generation do not fit with the traditional stereotypical image of grandparents in the past?
The sandwich generation is going to be in for a shock when they call their 70-year old parents at the office and find they are just too busy to babysit their grandkids.
Add to America's general obsession with work the fact that it is now the baby boomer generation who is nearing 65
7.Explain in your own words the sentence"it becomes clear that the traditional idea of "retirement"-with its gold watch,rocking chair,and golf course-is just about ready for retirement itself."
Those activities are refer to less work activities in which they can do it without so much efford
What does the cartoon have to say about teenagers and their lives?
1. How does the teenager feel about exam tension?
At first, he think that he managed it well as he put so much hard work on it. But then when the
exam day come he lose everything as he do it without gain anything
2. In what way is there a communication gap between the teenager and his parents?
this is related to lack of communication skill.both(parent and child) does not know how to
communicate each other.
3. What point is the teenager trying to get across to his father in this cartoon?
he hopes that his father can find a way to solve his problem.
4.In what way does the father understand his son well?
he just ask his son to speak direct to the point